No Night Tremors: Mindful Photography at night < Let's GoDo - Let's GoDo

No Night Tremors: Mindful Photography at night

from £40
Hosted by Adrian
Message Host


Experience Category

  • Health & Wellness

About the experience

Experience Duration : 2 hrs 30 mins
Experience Summary:

For many Mindful Photography is for the leafy forests, sun kissed beaches or clear aired mountain tops. But what about those of us who live in the inner city, whom work in urban areas, or for many reasons just don't get these opportunities. If you are one of these but someone who would like to try mindful photography for yourself, this course is for you.

Detailed description:

How can we be mindful, find space and reflection within the vibrancy and hustle of the urban night? Do you fancy learning how before the holiday season is upon us?

Search the internet and there are many Mindful Photography courses, which is wonderful, after all I also run them, but here I want to offer something perhaps unique. This workshop is not centred in the countryside or beachheads. It is not even set in the daytime.

I have discovered my place of mindfulness, calm and reflection is often best walking and photographing the city at night.

The light and dark, shadows and reflections, vibrancy of colour or simplicity of black and white have so often spoken to me.

In this, as I say perhaps unique course you will get the opportunity to experience and practice this with someone who has found it life transforming.

Suitable for any experience or none at all, for the simplest camera phone to tablets and digital cameras you will:

Be given an insight into mindful photography.
Be given and have plenty of opportunity to practice mindful ideas.
Have an experienced tutor and photographer to guide, support and ask any questions of.
Understand your camera at night and the opportunities it affords.
Try something different in the safety and company of others.
Practice ways of getting creative with light.
Leave with the simple tools to be mindful no matter the surroundings or time of day.

About the host

Let me be honest and blunt. Mindful Photography saved my life and today each day, changes my life. Please feel free to visit my website to discover more details.

I am also a passionate night and street photographer and I have discovered for myself how all these can come together to bring me a sense of calm in an overactive mind and a vibrant city.

Together we will be in the very heart of the city but will discover how photography can be used to slow us down, to connect with our surroundings and ourselves while all the time topping up those photography skills.

Places we'll visit

We will be centred around Bristol's Millennium Square which then then may already have the first signs of the festive period approaching. We will spend most of our time here, and / or depending on the weather around the Bristol Harbourside.

Mindful Photography is not, for me, about creating award winning images. It is about creating time for ourselves.

Additional information


What the Host requires you to bring
  • Bring a camera on any description including camera phones
  • Appropriate clothing for weather
  • Warm drink although there are places nearby


  • Who can come Adults
  • Activity level not much
  • Skill level beginner


Primary Language : English

Private groups

Does the Host accept Private Group : yes
Private groups minimum size : 4
Private groups maximum size : 8

Alternate Dates

If you would like to request for alternative dates not currently showing in availability, please contact the host directly via private message


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Meet Up Location : Millennium Square, Bristol BS1, UK,

Co Hosts / Assistant